News: Human Ecology

Read the latest news from the College of Natural Sciences at The University of Texas at Austin


Celebrating the 2024 College of Natural Sciences Dean’s Honored Graduates

Meet the graduating seniors being recognized for excellence in research, academics and improving the community.

Architectural detail featuring university shield on orange tinged background


Better Sleep Can Reduce Worry and Rumination in Older Adults

People’s perceptions of their sleep also proves to have stronger associations with their worry and rumination than objective sleep quality monitored with a device.

Older man sitting in dark room with hand on back of neck looking tired.


Fashion Meets Science in New Exhibition at Texas Science & Natural History Museum

A new exhibition features plant-based compostable materials for use in the fashion industry.

White background with black gloves covered in orange sustainable sequins


First Recognition of Self in the Mirror Is Spurred by Touch

New evidence reveals that young children learn self-awareness through experiences of touch.

A toddler gazes at herself in the mirror and smiles.


Scientists Uncover Technique to Cut Off Cancer’s Fuel Supply

The discovery could lead to better treatments for acute myeloid leukemia in vulnerable populations.

Two dark cancer cells surrounded by red blood cells


Nuance Needed Regarding Weight-Gain Recommendations During Pregnancy

Patients with obesity while pregnant may receive recommendations from their doctors that need revisiting, researchers say.

A pregnant person, left, speaks with a doctor, right, while she points at a clipboard.


Caregiving Can Be Stressful, But It Could Also Lower Risk of Depression

Becoming a caregiver to an older relative can decrease risk of depression.

An elderly woman, right, is embraced by a younger woman, left.


The Neighborhood You Grow Up in May Impact Your Cognitive Health Decades Later

Jean Choi, Elizabeth Muñoz and collaborators identified associations between neighborhood cohesion and cognitive health.

A child's sense of neighborhood cohesion could impact their cognitive health later in life.


College Announces Newest Inductees to Hall of Honor

The Hall of Honor recognizes Distinguished Alumni, Distinguished Service and Emerging Leader award winners.

Amir Husain, Christina Reed and Wayne Alexander


Five Lessons from UT Austin Science about Planning for Living with Heat

In our endless summer, research on heat impacts offers insights on how best to adapt.

CNS Scientists have been applying their research in ways that will help communities respond to heat.